


This type of work will greatly benefit those looking to reduce stress, increase vitality, achieve self healing and help form a deeper connection with your nervous system to create coherence and self mastery.


THE EXPERIENCE One-on-one sessions are a personalised bespoke experience that focus on addressing the specific needs and goals of the client. Designed to promote physiological, emotional and energetic shifts, qi gong in combination with it’s unique stream of breathing meditations is developed to oxygenate & innervate the soft tissue, fascia, blood and lymph allowing the body to remove metabolic waste and toxins-promoting physical, mental and emotional health. It is an internal taoist martial art that works with the fascial network helping to correct imbalances and release restrictions held, thereby enhancing the body’s natural ability for repair-improving elasticity and posture.

ONGOING Longer term effects can lead to greater vitality, feeling lighter on the feet, freer in the body & quieter in the mind. Results are generally seen after 5 to 6 sessions. Consistency is key. Clients have expressed benefits as ongoing better life management, injury recovery, less brain fog, stronger body mind, more energy, tension relief, better sleep and more.

INTRODUCTORY OFFER x 5 sessions $225 (40min sessions)

Book in a complimentary DISCOVERY CALL to talk about how this package can support real change.